INTUS Smartcities

Emergency Response Using AR

Through the use of augmented reality (AR) for infrastructure management, emergency response can be quickly revolutionized. For example, by mapping out what is behind each wall in a building, this data can be integrated into applications for a number of uses- one being emergency response. Imagine the scenario of a high-rise office building that is on fire. With our technology, a firefighter can now use an application featuring AR to quickly learn the blueprint of the building, which walls are safe to break down without hitting non plain-sight circuits (gas, water, power, etc.), and ultimately, make life-saving decisions.

On a larger scale, this AR technology can be used during natural disasters and terrorist attacks, as the INTUS Smartcities Emergency Response system is based on a cluster of local/state response centres operating as a network with shared data. Through GPS mapping of all vital infrastructure in a region (such as underground and surface utility installations) and then integration of this data into web-enabled, wireless accessible, and dynamically modifiable real-time systems, multi-layered maps can be created and take emergency response capabilities to a new level.